Economic Consulting

Site Analysis

The Fontana Group has worked with clients in numerous industries to evaluate critical questions concerning the viability and desirability of business sites.  These studies have included optimal location analysis, traffic counts, gravity modeling, retail draw, and demographic desirability.  Our professionals have high expertise in understanding, accessing, and analyzing market data used by decision-makers across a multitude of industries. The Fontana Group sets the bar high for all of your Economic Consulting needs.

Image demonstrating traffic flow rates on a congested highway overlaid on a map.

Economic Theory

The professionals from The Fontana Group have studied numerous topics from a theoretical perspective. Examples include the effects on consumers and firms from changes in market concentration, the relationship between firm value and right of first refusal provisions, gray market exports, sales performance measurement, firm value in abnormal market conditions, and the likely economic impacts from contract provisions.

Image demonstrating traffic flow rates on a congested highway overlaid on a map.

Market Structure

The Fontana Group has evaluated industrial organization problems from both theoretical and applied perspectives.  Examples include a study of the likely effects of a dealership group acquiring three of the four outlets within a market, a study of the relationship between service provision and market concentration, and the balancing of consumer convenience with the need to encourage specific investment.  These studies dig deeply into the meaning of “competition” and the factors that drive it.


Price Discrimination

A critical trending issue is the effect on firms and consumers when competing retail outlets face different costs when buying identical products from the same manufacturer or distributor.  This issue has arisen in many states when manufacturer incentive programs create multi-tiered pricing systems for the outlets selling their products.  The Fontana Group has analyzed these issues in high-profile matters throughout the country, conducting studies and presenting testimony and the economic implications of these programs.

Statistical/Econometric Analyses

Fontana Group and associated personnel have brought their expertise in statistics and economics to numerous complex matters in consultation and litigation.  Some of the numerous examples include retail credit discrimination, analysis of brand damage, product allocation, market performance, economic damages, employment practices, and worker safety issues.  The Fontana Group has extensive experience not just designing and conducting the analyses but also in drawing meaningful conclusions and presenting its findings in clear and logical fashion.

Economic Consulting Experience

We have provided insightful solutions to questions such as:

  • The economic value of a film credit that a movie producer failed to provide.
  • The economic value of the goodwill of a business.
  • Economic damages from falsified weights — when neither the weights nor the prices were known.
  • The loss to a company excluded from being the first entrant to a market which a monopolist precluded from forming.
  • The amount of freight overcharges when common carrier records were not available.
  • The economic loss from a large computer system that never became fully operable.